Kathleen Gregory

Katie at Deep Creek lake, Maryland, USA

Katie at Deep Creek lake, Maryland, USA

I was born with the travel bug. Being born into a military family meant I instantly got used to friends and family being scattered all over the United States and the rest of the world. I was born in San Francisco, California, but raised in the city of Washington D.C. I stepped onto my first airplane when I was five and have never looked back.

On my 20th birthday I promised myself that after graduating from university I would move abroad; which meant I needed to study abroad first. That’s how I landed in Australia. I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum and as soon as I arrived in Australia something in me just clicked; I was home. 

I travel to learn. I travel to love. I travel to appreciate growing up in the USA. I travel to inspire people to go out and have adventures of their own. Adventure is everywhere and it doesn’t mean going thousands of miles from home. Life is the longest experience we will ever have so I want to be somewhere I’m the most happy. In five years my location may change but I never want to stop seeking. That is why I travel.

Washington, DC | 22 | Currently Exploring Dorrigo, NSW, Australia | https://instagram.com/theaustralianproject/ | http://www.katieinwanderlust.wordpress.com |