Globelle Travels

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Jill Barone

Jill in her Panama Hat, at the Panama Canal, in (you guessed it), Panama

Why do I travel? It feels like the easiest and most difficult question in the world.

I travel to breathe; I travel to live. Travel is what keeps me going during a difficult work week; it's the reassuring bright light at the end of this currently oppressive tunnel.

I travel to learn; I travel to understand. It's the greatest education I've ever known. With each trip, I learn a bit more about myself and others. Travel dispels myths; it confronts prejudice and turns it on its head.

I travel to have faith in the world and to know that there is kindness everywhere and that people are inherently good, even during dark times.

People often ask about my favourite place. To that question, I have no answer. Travel is about so much more than just a destination. Sometimes the journey is the best part. Other times it's the moment before you arrive, that incredible feeling of the great unknown.

This past year has been difficult for many of us, but knowing that the world is still out there, waiting to be explored, gives me hope.

 | Originally from New Jersey, USA (but has spent time in London & NYC) | 43 |

| Currently in Santa Monica, California, USA | |