Globelle Travels

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Francesca Chang

Francesca meeting with the Auba tribes' royal Matriach in Sandimen Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan

I am a licensed attorney who, after pushing papers behind a desk for several years, felt that I was not making an impact with my privileged lifestyle or expensive bar license. I left to see the world and give back in any way I could.

As a travel writer, I now use my voice to educate and expose readers to parts of the world they never knew about, and use my extra time to actively participate in society.

Meeting people who endured apartheid or oppression of their indigenous culture, and volunteering with the homeless and rescue elephants has served as an education higher than 12 years of grade school + law school combined.

These experiences have made me richer than any corporate salary ever has.

This is why I travel.

 | San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA | 31 | Currently exploring Taipei, Taiwan |

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