Globelle Travels

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Deborah Widdick

Deborah completing the base walk at Uluru, Northern Territory, Australia.

I travel, quite simply, because I don't know. What is it then that I don't know, you may understandably ask, and to the answer to that is, well, again, I don't quite know.

But what I do know is the thrill when you approach a new location, perhaps after a strenuous 12 hour journey in close proximity with fellow travellers whose access to hygiene facilities have also been limited. I know the adrenaline rush when I discover that riding a motorbike is not just a convenient way to get around, but one of the most beautiful too. I know the serenity when you find a little slice of paradise, which just for that moment, you can call your own.  I know the immense hilarity when in the most frustrating of circumstances, be it seemingly infinite delays or frosty receptions at the visa desk, a moment of unexpected light relief occurs. Most importantly, I know the value of a genuine smile, shared with another human whose life you cannot even begin to fully comprehend. 

I didn't know these things before but do now, because I travelled. I know I want to know more, and I am certain that it is travel, that will show me the way.

Loughton, UK | 23 | Sydney, Australia |