Globelle Travels

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Sheona Bello, Founder of The Sheona Experiment

1) Hi Sheona, and congratulations on being featured as a globelle gal in focus! Can you tell us where in the world we can currently find you?

Honoured to be here. After several whirlwind years up and about, basking in a ferocious restlessness, i'm happy back at home in Melbourne, Australia. 

2) What inspired you to first start travelling?

I rememember literally waking up one morning and finding myself with no excuse to counter my thought of 'why not'. It was a weird, profound a-ha moment to realise that for the time before that, I had manufactured every inhibiting reason or excuse for not taking a plunge. I think we do this to ourselves a lot of the time, a sort of unconscious self-sabotage. 

3) What's been your favourite place to visit, and why?

Montenegro will always have a slice of my heart. I remember travelling there on my own and finding myself surrounded by the most incredible fellow travellers. We knew nothing of each other, but we all had a shared passion for adventure which led us on a week long road-trip/adventure fest/hiking expedition throughout the Montenegrin countryside. I may never see those people again, but i'll never forget how I felt, what I saw and how, ironically 'at home' I felt there.

 4) Who would you say has been the most influential person to your travels, and why?

Travel is different to everyone, so i'm never really influenced by others, only inspired by the never-ending spectrum of places I never knew of.

What really influences me however is my family. I am the eldest of four girls, and seeing my sisters and parents so excited and encouraging of my eagerness to drop the ball on 'normal' life in favour of the estranged, foreign unknown is incredible. I love making memories to share with them when i'm back in the motherland.

5) What is the worst thing that's happened to you since being on the road? How did you deal with it?

Homesickness. I always get to a point when I've exhausted my craving for getting lost. At the start of a new adventure it's all I want: to be uncomfortable and new and displaced. But like anything, it gets old. At about 4.5 months, there's nothing I want more than a hug from Mum and vegemite toast.

(HQ: We want to stress to all of our globelle gals out there, especially those just considering taking the plunge, how okay it is to feel like this! Sometimes it can feel like there's a pressure once you're on the road to stay on the road for as long as possible. Know your limits, and when it's time to take a break and recharge. Your adventures will be better for it.

6) Obviously life on the road is about fewer possessions and more moments, but what is the one thing you can't travel without?

Sticky tape. I'm a travel journal fiend and there's nothing better than sticking in a cheeky ticket, nightclub wrist band or overpriced coffee receipt to remember those moments later on. Sticky tape is my best pal in these instances. (HQ: Brilliant!)

7) Since being on the road, you've managed to juggle roles at two separate companies (including The Dream Collective), studying, presiding over Monash Marketing Students' society and pursuing your creative interests via your blog at How do you manage your time to achieve all of this? What would your advice be to equally ambitiously minded globelle gals out there? 

I thrive on a sense of achievement and i'm an absolute challenge chaser.

I heard something a while back, which said: 'if you want something done, you give it to a busy person', and in like manner, being busy has enabled me to stumble across some pretty epic opportunities which would never have evolved if i hadn't 'put myself out there'.

They say life favours the bold, that's all i'm trying to do: be bold. I would recommend that motto to all globelle gals out there.  

8) How would you say travelling has impacted your mind frame for how you can achieve all that you do on a daily basis? 

Adaptability, alertness and self-sufficiency. 

These things are learnt and developed on the road almost immediately - which is why i absolutely endorse everyone to travel alone at least once. These skills are so important back home in daily life and are definitely qualities which enrich everything I do both at home and abroad.

9) What do you hope to achieve one day through all of your hard work? 

My goals are ever-changing but in essence, I hope to just continue to live a life I am proud of. It may sounds selfish, but i know that in me being my best, i can give more to others. That's what this whole 'life' thing is all about right? Living, laughing, loving, learning and sharing. It's a pretty incredible cycle.

10) What does travelling mean to you?

Getting lost, immersion in the unknown and growing an appreciation for everything that awaits you back home.

11) If you could offer one piece of advice to those travelling for the first time, either as part of a group or solo, what would it be? 

Stop talking about it, do it. NOW.

No one is getting any younger and there is no such thing as a 'perfect time'. Stop fooling yourself.

Too harsh? (HQ: Well, no...)

12) And finally, how can girls get in touch with you, and involved with The Dream Collective and

Please get in touch with me! I am reachable through The Sheona Experiment (, and welcome you to follow my antics on Instagram (@thesheonaexperiment) or Twitter (@sheonabello). I'd love to hear from you! I don't bite.

We are also doing some insanely magical things over at The Dream Collective, so please reach out if you're interested in creating a remarkable career by connecting with other high-calibre professional women. We are creating a movement, it's a very exciting time!

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