Globelle Travels

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Florence Swift, Founder of Garner & Graze

Florence at home in London

1) Hi Florence, and congratulations on being featured as a globelle gal in focus! Can you tell us where in the world we'd currently find you?

Thank you so much! I’m currently based in Walthamstow in London

2) What inspired you to first start travelling?

I’m not really sure! I first went travelling when I was 18 after finding myself unexpectedly taking a gap year before uni. I think I just wanted to experience something new and different and go on a bit of an adventure.

3) What's been your favourite place to visit, and why?

I’ve spent quite a lot of time in Bali and I really love it there. The pace of life is so much slower and there’s much more of a community focus in comparison to London. It’s got such a beautiful energy. I also love Berlin and I can’t wait to go back!

And finally, Florence out in the open, ready to take on the world!

4) What's the worst thing that's happened to you since being on the road? How did you deal with it?

I had my bag stolen out of the bike basket whilst cycling in Bali, which was awfu!. I cancelled my cards and phone and luckily I knew people in Bali who could help me out but I was phone-less and card-less for about 2 months which was pretty weird.

5) Obviously life on the road is about fewer possessions and more moments, but what is the one thing you can't travel without?

Definitely my phone! I’m such a visual person, I’m constantly taking pictures and when I look back on them it’s like I’m transported back to that moment.

6) You're the founder of Garner & Graze, a business focused on delivering London's cutest grazing tables, platters and boxes. What inspired you to start your own business? How have you found the experience of setting this up during lockdown?

I’ve always loved parties and catering for parties. I would often cater for my friends’ parties but was always too scared to take it more seriously. I made a bunch of grazing platters for my best friends birthday in January 2019. I posted it on Instagram and it got so much love, then another friend of mine who is this amazing entrepreneur, super creative and inspiring woman pushed me to make it official. She helped me with my website and organised a photoshoot and it went from there! 

I didn’t see anyone else doing these kind of really beautiful, Instagrammable food set ups for parties and so I really wanted to make it a thing. Now of course there’s loads of grazing companies but I was lucky to get in there pretty early.

I set up before lockdown but navigating a new business in a pandemic was damn hard I won’t lie. It was stressful and hard at times but I’m honestly almost grateful for it in a way as I’ve learnt so much about my business and myself as a business woman and it’s definitely made me stronger in a lot of ways and secure in the knowledge that I can handle whatever is thrown at me.

A (super cute!) grazing platter created by Florence

7) With so many changing restrictions through the past year, how have you had to adapt the nature of your work to account for Co-Vid? How have you managed to stay focused and resilient when faced with new challenges? What would be your advice to any women with businesses who are facing challenges throughout this time?

Before COVID my main business was big grazing tables and a lot of them were in office spaces. So obviously I was hit very hard when we went into lockdown. It took me a little time to decide to pivot as I had no idea how long this would all go on for but I moved to doing small boxes to deliver to people’s houses. I initially just had 1 product but now I have 10 different boxes and bundles and I create lots of bespoke PR mailers/ influencer gifting too for big brands like Molton Brown, H&M, Paula’s choice…

Regarding staying focused and resilient, I had a lot of times where I wasn’t focused and I’ve had many, many breakdowns but I guess I knew that my 2 options were; give up or keep going. I knew I didn’t want to quit so I just made it work however I could. 

My biggest advice would be to make sure you have people around you who support you and believe in you, even when you’re finding it hard to believe in yourself. And also that things just take time. Learning to be patient whilst building my business has been huge – it’s rare that things just happen overnight!

8) What was or will be your first trip post lockdown? Has your idea of travel, and what a ''holiday' looks like, changed since setting up your business?

My first trip will be to Berlin I think! We were meant to go in April 2020 but had to postpone.

My idea of a holiday has definitely changed, before I would have considered a holiday going abroad for a week. But now even just taking a weekend off and staying at home feels like a holiday!

9) What are your plans for the future, and what do you hope to achieve through all of your hard work?

I actually honestly feel pretty happy and content with life, so I think just more of the same really! I hope to buy a house in London someday soon and continue to grow my business. I’m really looking forward to hiring my first employee and moving into a dedicated studio/ kitchen.

The Molten Brown PR Mailer Florence created

10) What does travelling mean to you?

I think that I just really appreciate it, especially after the last year. It’s not a necessity in my life but it’s such a privilege and I just feel really grateful that I’m able to do it :)

11) If you could offer one piece of advice to those travelling for the first time, either as part of a group or solo, what would it be (when Co-vid allows)?

Don’t be scared but also keep your wits about you!

12) And finally, how can globelles get in touch with you, and keep up to date with where you're exploring next (once Co-Vid allows!)?

At @garnerandgrazeco & :)

Florence rocking her favourite colour next to the one thing she can’t travel without